VALUESPOT LIMITED manages private investment funds for small businesses that are not listed on stock exchanges, primarily focusing on debt capital.
We offer capital with specific returns upon maturity, along with scheduled repayments including applicable interest.
The company maintains a portfolio of selected companies, inaccessible to third parties.
Investors wishing to collaborate should be aware that the number is limited to 20 individuals and investments up to €50,000.
We invest in specific sectors of the economy in small and startup businesses within a defined geography.
Repayments are clear from the outset, with a repayment cycle of one year. We aim for quick returns on our investments, and we repay our small investors in the same manner.
We have expertise, experience, and over 30 years of connections with small production and trading companies of plastic products with specific items.
You can contact us for further clarifications. The investments concern parts of loans to companies with which we have a credit partnership. There is a 100% buyback guarantee on all loans we provide, regardless of any payment defaults.